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EMAC 2022 Annual

The Impact of Pre-Release Consumer Buzz Dynamics on New Product Success

Published: May 24, 2022


Carolin Haiduk, University of Hamburg; Thomas Schreiner, University of Hamburg; Timo Mandler, Toulouse Business School


Pre-release consumer buzz (PRCB) is a critical success factor for a new product. Despite a robust body of empirical evidence supporting the positive influence of PRCB on market performance, little is known about the dynamics of PRCB over time and the individual effects of its constitutive dimensions (i.e., anticipatory communication, search, and participation). To shed light on the evolutionary patterns of PRCB and how they are related to new product success, we draw on longitudinal data pertaining to 334 movies released in the US. Using functional principal components analysis, we operationalize each PRCB dimension’s unique evolutionary trajectory and relate the resulting factors to opening sales. Beyond identifying the ideal timing for stimulating each PRCB dimension, we also demonstrate that our model fits significantly better than models that only account for (a) PRCB’s dynamic (but not multidimensional) nature or (b) its multidimensional (but not dynamic) nature, which underscores the importance of this methodological refinement for PRCB-related investigations.